January 2021-
March 2021
User Flows
My Role:
Intern Team Lead Designer
Project brief
First and foremost this was my first time leading a team of design interns. In total I oversaw 3 other design interns. I was handling this project with most importance along with two other projects.
Goal of Pickboxx is a social media format to connect businesses to community through competitions and advertising products for free merchandise. We as interns were tasked by CEO directly to create Pickboxx for both desktop and mobile. Myself and one other intern worked on desktop and two intern worked with mobile.
Flow 1 - Users can sign up/ login to site
Flow 2 - Users can compete in video competitions
Flow 3 - Users can view profile and leaderboards of those in top competitions.
Flow 4 - Users can view maps, marketplace, and comments
Flow 1 - Users can login and view home page
Flow 2 - Users can view posting options
Our team of interns were not tasked with researching for CEO had already completed this portion of what product he wanted built. Our main focus was building out prototypes to be presented to stakeholders.
Organizing who would built out certain features was important. Assigning tasks for our deadline of April 1st, 2021 to have a functioning desktop prototype. Myself, Michal, Jessica, Ronnie were able to collaborate via zoom. I scheduled for 3 times a week to check on progress.
I also participated weekly in team lead meetings. Discussing with front-end and back-end team leads to collaborate our prototype.
Lastly every two weeks I had a one on one meeting with CEO about goals, updates, and any other topics of concern.

With several meetings with stakeholders and CEO, we landed on completing a desktop rendition first. This will build out our flows and what we need to focus on
Landing page will be very similar to TikTok's layout with scrolling videos. We essentially want people to compete in video competitions. So with this being one flow goal in mind we set out to build our landing page to have variety of features.
Flow 1 Users can signup/login and view landing page
Sign up and login follow a similar layout for purposes wanted by stakeholders the wanted to keep a blue color across the board. Ability to pick between "Picker" and "Boxer" is an option that will be available further down the product development pipeline.
Landing page exists with being able to scroll videos in the middle of page. Along with features such as leaderboards of top videos. Ability to click duels both causal and competitive. You notice you have the ability to comment, like, dislike, and view boxes on posts.
Flow 2 Users can compete in video competitions
Duels is a feature that will allow users to compete in video challenges. Much like TikToks dances. Users will be allowed to perform and is paired with another who completes the same task. Then the post is shared socially for others to vote on who is the best video.
Competitive duels involves being awarded points for winning. And progressing tiers. With each tier attained they gain rewards such as a small cup of coffee or a free pizza.
Social duels are for entertainment purposes only.
Flow 3 Users can view profile and leaderboards

Profile pages will show recent videos and posts. Very similar to Instagram or TikTok. You earn boxes and are able to view them here as well.
Leaderboards allows you to view top users. Those who have completed challenges and those who have posted several businesses products.
Flow 4 Users can view maps, marketplace, comments
Map will allow users to essentially see what products are being offered by local businesses. These will be available through competing videos or through posting the product for others to view.
Marketplace will show products locally that will be available to purchase or redeem as rewards.
Comments allows you to reply and exchange views on certain posts or videos.

November 9th, 2021 - December 9th, 2021
User interviews
Affinity mapping
User Flows
Design system
Usability testing
Survey Monkey
My Role:
Researcher, Designer
First, this project is done with the intent of solving an issue in my everyday life. For context reasons this research was started with the intent of creating a management/ tenant communication format.
Allowing those with poor management relations to have closer contact. As you will see that initial bias was negated by research findings and design decisions by yours truly.
Tenant was completed as an individual project to showcase all learnings during UX Cabin internship. This was presented to the UX Cabin design team on December 9th, 2021.
User interviews
competitive analysis
Affinity mapping
Firstly, the only way to start any project is proper research. After doing competitive analysis along with market analysis, my next steps were to create a survey and have user interviews. More qualitative and less quantitative due to time restraints. I wanted to really know some specific problems for users.
Speaking of that, who are my users? Well, I selected anyone living within an apartment complex community now or within the pasts six months. This gives a broad range of users. Most participants fall into the 20 to 30 years old range within this study.

19 total participants
11 out 19 have no means of contacting other tenants
Primary forms of contact through email
Looking at this data you may see an opportunity like I did. My initial bias when starting this project was people having communication issues with management. This turned out to be false. Instead, users wanted a format to speak with other tenants around them, perhaps for meetups or walks etc.
November 9th, 2021 - December 9th, 2021
User interviews
Affinity mapping
User Flows
Design system
Usability testing
Survey Monkey
My Role:
Researcher, Designer
First, this project is done with the intent of solving an issue in my everyday life. For context reasons this research was started with the intent of creating a management/ tenant communication format.
Allowing those with poor management relations to have closer contact. As you will see that initial bias was negated by research findings and design decisions by yours truly.
Tenant was completed as an individual project to showcase all learnings during UX Cabin internship. This was presented to the UX Cabin design team on December 9th, 2021.
User interviews
competitive analysis
Affinity mapping
Firstly, the only way to start any project is proper research. After doing competitive analysis along with market analysis, my next steps were to create a survey and have user interviews. More qualitative and less quantitative due to time restraints. I wanted to really know some specific problems for users.
Speaking of that, who are my users? Well, I selected anyone living within an apartment complex community now or within the pasts six months. This gives a broad range of users. Most participants fall into the 20 to 30 years old range within this study.

19 total participants
11 out 19 have no means of contacting other tenants
Primary forms of contact through email
Looking at this data you may see an opportunity like I did. My initial bias when starting this project was people having communication issues with management. This turned out to be false. Instead, users wanted a format to speak with other tenants around them, perhaps for meetups or walks etc.
November 9th, 2021 - December 9th, 2021
User interviews
Affinity mapping
User Flows
Design system
Usability testing
Survey Monkey
My Role:
Researcher, Designer
First, this project is done with the intent of solving an issue in my everyday life. For context reasons this research was started with the intent of creating a management/ tenant communication format.
Allowing those with poor management relations to have closer contact. As you will see that initial bias was negated by research findings and design decisions by yours truly.
Tenant was completed as an individual project to showcase all learnings during UX Cabin internship. This was presented to the UX Cabin design team on December 9th, 2021.
User interviews
competitive analysis
Affinity mapping
Firstly, the only way to start any project is proper research. After doing competitive analysis along with market analysis, my next steps were to create a survey and have user interviews. More qualitative and less quantitative due to time restraints. I wanted to really know some specific problems for users.
Speaking of that, who are my users? Well, I selected anyone living within an apartment complex community now or within the pasts six months. This gives a broad range of users. Most participants fall into the 20 to 30 years old range within this study.

19 total participants
11 out 19 have no means of contacting other tenants
Primary forms of contact through email
Looking at this data you may see an opportunity like I did. My initial bias when starting this project was people having communication issues with management. This turned out to be false. Instead, users wanted a format to speak with other tenants around them, perhaps for meetups or walks etc.
Flow 1 Login/Home
Sign up follows the same color palette and typography of the web based version.
Home page lands you with the ability to view videos right away Hamburger bar menu for all other options.

Flow 2 Posts
Ability to posts and added options to share to other social medias. Photo or video. Settings to make public or private also available.

Pickboxx was built in Figma along with inputs from sketch and some adobe creative suite. This prototype was made for stakeholder visualization and ability to feel the customer journey.
This product was successfully created and delivered by the deadline of April 1st, 2021.
Next steps include further implementation of product features such as leaderboards page, duels. Further work on mobile development.
What I learned
Time management, along with polishing more soft skills in communication. This project was for a real business and has been delivered as a prototype for stakeholders. I wish we had more time to polish certain features but due to time constraints we had to make some cuts.
I am eager to pursue more projects like this and lead more teams. I am looking forward to using what I learned for the next project.
Next project:
